GAMES <||>
Color Jump (MariosKoukoulis).
Mario Does His Taxes.
Communist Mario for Mac.
Mario And Luigi's big adventure demo.
Tetris & Dr. Mario.
Mario Boat.
Mario Low Budget.
Super Mario Strikers.
Mario Tennis: Ultra Smash.
ElectricMario's Maze of Shit and Keys.
Super Mario Kart Water.
Mario Gun Fight (Work In Progress).
Cat Mario Remake.
TSTD's Super Mario World Maker v.6 Remix Demo (Scratch 3.0).
Super Mario 64.
Super Mario City: Urban Fracas (Wireframe Prototype).
Super Mario Clouds.
Super Mario World: The Lost Levels(Demo 4 levels).
Mario Infinite.
Run Mario Run.
Mario Bros. II.
Mario kart pc.
mario (justness).
Mario Strikers Charged.
Super Mario Maker 2.
Mario Kart 8 DLC Pack 2.
Mini Mario & Friends: amiibo Challenge.
MARIO (nurulafini).
Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle Donkey Kong Adventure.
Super Mario Bros 5.
Mario Bomber.
Rene - juego mario.
Mario 2D remake (PC ultra nul).
Mario and Peach.
Super Mario Odyssey Run Android.
Team 24?: Its just Mario???.
Super Mario Galaxy.
Mario Engine.
Virtual Marionette(α).