GAMES <||>

Mario Hangman.

Mario Gun Fight (Work In Progress).

Mario and Sonic Hangman.

Mario & Yoshi.

Mario Kart 8 Deluxe.

Super Mario Shooter.

Super Mario Have Seasures.

Mario's Picross.

Mario 4 (in dev).

Dr. Mario Express.

Cat mario(Dashboard edition).

Square (mariocassano).

cat mario 5.

Mario Party 8.

Wario Land: Super Mario Land 3.

Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games Tokyo 2020.

mario remake.

Mario Party Advance.

Super Mario's Wacky Worlds.

4 - Super Mario Bros.

Mario kid 1.

Electro Marios.exe revenge the sequel to electro marios horror edition (A Alex Basics Mod).

Mario Sports Mix.

Mario Hoops 3-on-3.

Super Mario Maker PC [EARLY ACCESS].

Mario 64 maker.

Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle Donkey Kong Adventure.

Super Mario Bros. 3 - Ice World lvl.6 Remake.

Mario Paint.

Ultimate Mario Show!.

Super Mario Bros 5.

Super Mario Bros NES Remake.

Jonatan - mario ninja.

Super Mario Bros!.

Angry Mario(Beta).

MarioBro Bomb.

Sidetracked (komehara, FirahFabe, Marionette).

Mario and Ashroid Battle Galaxy Prototype.

This is not Mario.