GAMES <||>

Super Mario City: Urban Fracas (Wireframe Prototype).

Mario Party DS.

Mario Party 3.

Mario kart pc.

Super Mario Bros. (itch).

Blitz mariopacman.

ElectricMario's Maze of Shit and Keys.


Super Mario 64 Clone.

Mario Gun Fight (Work In Progress).

Super Mario: Blue Twilight DX.

Super Mario 64 - Reimagined by NimsoNy.

Super Mario in Marooned on Mars.

Mario Bros. Hangman.


Paper Mario.

Dr. Mario 64.

Super Mario Odyssey Run Android.

Super Mario 3D.

Mario Bomberman: Ice Mountains.

Super Mario: Untold Stories.

Super Mario Bros. Remake.

Dance Dance Revolution Mario Mix.

Dream Chaser (itch) (Alexander Ponomariov).

Super Mario Bros!.

Color Jump (MariosKoukoulis).

Mario Pinball Land (2004).

Mario 128 - Demo.

Super Mario 64 Port Pc (Jose8820).

Photos With Mario.

Return of Mario.

Mario Adventure ZCreator.

Super Mario Party.

Mario Party 6.

Paladin (itch) (Mario Fernandes).

Mario Kart 64 (1996).

TEAM 8 Morbid_Mario.

Mini Mario & Friends: amiibo Challenge.

Super Mario World: The Lost Levels(Demo 4 levels).