GAMES <||>

Mario Kart 8.

Symmetry Mario (FR).

Super Mario Fan Game.

Super Mario: Blue Twilight DX.

Mario e Luigi - Eduardo Queiroz.

Mario Kart 8 DLC Pack 2.

Mario Game Test.

Flappy Mario World.

Super Mario 2019.

Infinite Mario Bros.

Super Mario 64 DS.

Super Mario JAM.

Newer Super Mario Bros. Wii: Summer Sun (ROM Hack).

Super Mario Bros. Remake.

Mario Max jungle Adventure.

Dr. Mario: Miracle Cure.

TSTD's Super Mario World Maker v.6 Remix Demo (Scratch 3.0).

Mario Takes a Piss.

Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle.

Mario Party.

Color Jump (MariosKoukoulis).

Mario Party Advance.

Treasure Quest (itch) (Mariostar7).

Super Mario Bros.: The Lost Levels.

Mario Run.

Mario Clock.

Mario Adventure ZCreator Download.

Mario and Ashroid Battle Galaxy Prototype.

Super Mario Galaxy.

PontificiaUniversidade's MarioGrounds.

Mario Pinball Land (2004).


Mario style platform.

Mario kid 1.

Uber Mario TaRPG: ~ Legend of the Seven Tarps ~.


Super Mario Maker for Nintendo 3DS.

Mario Kart 8 Deluxe.

Mario Kondo Bizzarre Adventure.