GAMES <||>

Paper Mario.

Unfair Mario for NES.

Mario's Maze!.

New Super Mario Bros. Mii.

Mario Golf (1999).

ElectricMario's Maze of Shit and Keys.

Super Mario Bros VR.

Super Mario City: Urban Fracas (Wireframe Prototype).

Mario Maker 2FG.

Mario Engine.

Le Knight Marionette.


Uber Mario Tarp.

Mario 64 maker.

Mario Hangman (sarika-subramanian).

Mario Party: The Top 100.

Super Mario Bros NES Remake.

Mario Challenger.

Mario Sokoban.

Wario Land: Super Mario Land 3.

Super Mario Bros. Deluxe.

Super Mario Bros. Mushroom World.

Mario Tennis (2000).

4 - El mario bros.

Wolf Mario.

Mario is gone.

Super Mario Land 2: 6 Golden Coins.

Super Mario Enigmatic 2 (SMBX).

Super Mario Bros 1-1 Clone in Unity.


Mario's Cement Factory C64.

Mario Pinball Land.

Super Mario Galaxy.

Baldi'sBasics w/ Mario 64 mod.

ElectricMario's Maze of Shit and Keys 2.

Mario Clickers.

Super Mario World.

Mario's hard Quest.

Mario Kart 8.