GAMES <||>
Mario Infinite.
Mario Level Generation.
Safe Passage (MarioBG3).
Mario Clickers.
Mario Max jungle Adventure.
Mario vs. Donkey Kong.
Dr. Mario: Miracle Cure.
mario Hide and seek scratch.
Mario's Picross.
Equinox - Mario Remake.
Cube Dodger (isaacyoshimario).
Team 24?: Its just Mario???.
Mario Party 5.
Mario aquarium.
Mario 128 - Demo.
Unfair Mario for NES.
Mario WD.
Newer Super Mario Bros. Wii: Holiday Special (ROM Hack).
Epic Mario Game.
Cute Mario.
SLOT (MarioBG3).
the world of mario.
Mario Party.
Paper Mario.
The world of mario (interface3).
Chess Shooter (Marios Pafitis).
Mario's Basics-Baldi's Basics 1.4.3 Mod.
New Super Mario Bros. U Deluxe.
Super Mario Drugs.
Super Mario Bros 5.
Mario and the Nine Orbs (Beta).
Spoon mario.
Super Mario Odyssey Run Android.
New Super Mario Bros. 2.
Mario and Sonic Hangman.
Mario Bros. II.
Super Duper Hard Mario Bros..