GAMES <||>

Panzer Marionette.

Super (Strange) Mario Bros..

Ouders enzo - Marion.


Mario Party DS.

Mario, Luigi & Porru: Two United Worlds.

Mario breaks out.

Rocket Jump (metalmario971).

Find Mario Tris.

Mario Kart DS.

Mario Party 4.

4 - El mario bros.

Mario kart 64 but it's faster.

Super Mario 64 {Original} For Mac.

Dominican Mario.

the world of mario.

Mario Tennis: Ultra Smash.

Mario's hard Quest.

Super Mario Kart ZX (Gamejolt).

Mario Goes to the Fridge to get a Glass of Milk 2.

Pac-Man x Mario x PONG.

super mario yeet.

Mario Party 7.

Mario Gun Fight (Work In Progress).

ElectricMario's Maze of Shit and Keys.


Dog Mario (Antonio Losavio).

Mario and Ashroid Battle Galaxy Prototype.

Super Mario Bros Rebuilt.

Newer Super Mario Bros. Wii: Summer Sun (ROM Hack).

Mario Tennis.

Super mario 64 1-1 npc.

Ultimate Mario Show!.

Not a Mario Party Clone.

Super Mario 2D Road.

Mario Bomber.

Mario Simulator..

Return of Mario.

Double Super Mario PC.