GAMES <||>

Angry Mario(Beta).

Super Mario Bros. 2.

Super Mario Wars 64.

Mario Pinball Land (2004).

Mario Bros. Text Based.

Mario kart 64 but it's faster.

Super Mario Bros. 3 - Ice World lvl.6 Remake.

mario 1x1.

Super Mario Bros. Mushroom World.

Mario clone demo).

Jomário's Tale.

Mario Editor Reupload.

Mario and the Nine Orbs (Beta).

Super Mario Sunshine.

Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars.

Super Mario Enigmatic 2 (SMBX).

Super Mario All-Stars and Super Mario World.

Super Mario Bros. (itch).

Super Mario Land.

Mario Level Generation.

Super Mario Bros Crossover.

Mario and Ashroid Battle Galaxy Prototype.

Prime Blazers: The Communist Mariofesto.

Super Mario 64 {Origanal}.


Mario is Dead.

Super Mario Bros 5.

Mario Tennis.

Cat Mario.

Mario Goes To The Fridge To Get a Glass Of Milk.

Team 24?: Its just Mario???.

Safe Passage (MarioBG3).

Super Mario Stealth.

Super (Strange) Mario Bros..

ElectricMario's Maze of Shit and Keys 2.

Mario style platform.

Super Mario Galaxy 2.

Short Musical Super Mario 64 Edition.

new new super mario bros.