GAMES <||>

3 - Mario VS Zombies.

Epic Mario Game.

Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle.

Super Mario Typing Bros.

Mario and Ashroid Battle Galaxy Prototype.

Mario vs. Donkey Kong 2: March of the Minis.

Super Mario All-Stars.

Mario Kart Wii.

Mario style platform.

Super Mario Bros. Remake.

Mario Simulator..

Super Mario Bros. 35.

Mario Dab | The Game.

Baldi'sBasics w/ Mario 64 mod.

Super Mario: RPG Edition (itch).

Super Mario Odyssey 2D (Ver. 1.0.0 a).

Super Mario 64 (itch).

Super Mario Bros.

Mario is Doomed.

CHIPS Mario.

Super Mario City: Urban Fracas (Wireframe Prototype).

Super Mario Mania.

Mario Vs Bikini Mushrooms Team 28 890359/887374/880684.

Super Mario Galaxy.


Mario Maker 2FG.

ElectricMario's Maze of Shit and Keys.

Autmn Cat Mario.

Dream Chaser (itch) (Alexander Ponomariov).

Mario Sports Mix.

Mario Maker 2.

Trabalho jogo -Mario Paper.

Mario's Cement Factory C64.

Super Mario Enigmatic 2 (SMBX).

Rainbow Mario.

Super Mario Bros. (itch).

Super UnTorso And Headles Mario 64.

Super Mario 64 and the stranger things world V3.

GMS2 Mario Kart demo.